Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tennis season

Last week S came with me to watch his daughter at gymnastics, we were talking about missing the states and I said I was eager to return to get my tennis racquets, later that day he got his out of his storage space and said I could borrow his and his wife's. I took them despite his 4 year old daughter's protests that she didn't want me taking anything of theirs. Yesterday we ended up meeting a friend at Chatelet where the metro exists into some god awful mall. I've lived in cities so long mall's haven't really been a problem, but malls exist in Paris which on a Saturday are like suburban malls at Christmas, both mine and Sylvain's idea of hell. We did however run into Go Sport and grab a tube of balls for 10 overpriced dollars. Its been rainy sort of on and off so I didn't think we'd have a chance to play but today Sylvain wanted to go to the track and run and I wanted to go with and hit balls against the wall which he said would annoy him and all the other people on the track running, but as an American who wants to play tennis, I wasn't really bothered about annoying anyone running around in circles. We brought both racquets and 7.50e just in case we could get one of the three courts and because of the dampness and early rain this morning we got one.

A taste of the new season was a spring delight, but I still can't wait to go home and get my own racquet.

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