My mom is convinced that we have a refrigerator the size most college kids have in their dorm rooms. She has this vision of Europeans that is the downsize version of Americans, small cars, small bodies, small sodas, small coffees, small countries, small refrigerators. We have a supersized country, so everything else we have might as well get supersized too.
But we have a refrigerator that is about 3/4 the size of my parents at home. But then again they have two extra freezers and they are a two person household just like we are a two person household so what's with all the frozen food? They're like two people waiting for the apocalypse so that they can live off of their frozen and canned goods for longer than the rest of us with a 3/4 sized fridge.
She figured our fridge was so small we had to do our shopping everyday. We don't do it everyday but we do do it a lot, but it isn't because our fridge is smaller, it's because there are 3 or 4 places that we buy things at. Almost daily we go to the boulangerie where we buy pain au chocolat for breakfast or baguette. There are boulangeries on almost every corner like bodega's in New York. Fan Prix is our grocery store although there are several in our neighborhood I like Fan Prix the best, grocery stores here are small they have small sections of everything - rice and pasta options taking up a shelf versus an aisle in the states. We get our yogurt, eggs, nuts, milk etc at Fan Prix. At Ed I buy pasta and those kiddie snacks like chocolate pudding because Sylvain likes them. Tang Freres is the Chinese grocery, since we eat a lot of asian dishes we go there for the noodles, curry pastes, ginger and rice. You have to buy your produce at the street market- well I guess you don't have to but it makes the best sense. The market sellers clear out around 2pm so you have to get what you want early.
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