A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door to discover the electricity people coming to take our reading- then they turned off our electricity because apparently Sarah hasn't paid the bill in 2 months- Sylvain went down to the electricity office and settled the account, but they have yet to return and switch it back on. Frankly, I'm about done with roommates- more often then not, they are a huge disappointment... Katie, Peter, Luke etc if you're reading this, you are the exception to this rule... unfortunately I've had more than 50 roommates in the last ten years...
Last Monday I finished up my classes at the Yoga Center, and I decided without any regret not to return. I instead decided I would get a month pass for the gym about 4 blocks from our apartment. It has very little to recommend it but I have gotten so bored jogging here, I needed an alternative. It's 3 machines are really crap, they seem to use a bike chain which makes a horrible noise each time you "lift" the weight, but whatever- I plan to go to the spinning classes MWF and after today's class an hour of upbeat club thumping music is by far more successful than two hours of light stretching with a break in between for showering- at least I broke a sweat and after the hour had passed it was worth breaking for a shower.
I will ask Sylvain when he comes home tonight to go to the one Irish Pub here to see if I can convince them to try and find the Packer game on- I'm not even sure they'll have it, but I suppose its worth a try. We had plans to visit an American friend Sylvain met before I got here who also married a Chilean, but I imagine we can put that off a few days to watch the most important 3 hours in Packer history...
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