Thursday, April 8, 2010

English Teaching Assistant

About 6 months ago my friend Laura from Wisconsin who I met in Chile told me about a program in France that allows you to teach English as an assistant which in return offers minimal pay but a work visa and the opportunity to live in France for 7-9 months. Of course I applied and thought without a doubt, since I am the perfect candidate, I will get one of these positions. The only concern we had was if I would get placed in Paris, or at least somewhere we'd consider living- which was pretty much, Paris, maybe Lyon.

Since moving to Paris in January I've vacillated between not really thinking Paris was that special (as a place to live) to feeling "ok" about it, not really loving it, but being perfectly ok living here, until Tuesday evening after Smith book club when I thought- I'd quite like to live here just one more year.

Wednesday morning that desire was dashed when at 7:45 my IPod alarm went off and I checked my email. My application for the teaching assistantship was rejected. More than anything this news was a shock, in some ways it's disappointing because the opportunity to stay in France no longer exists, but every American I've ever known who lived in Paris got into this program, teachers I've worked with, Smithies Ive met- so why not me? My age is the only discriminating factor- you can't do the program after the age of 30 and I'm about to turn 30- moreover everyone I know who has done it has been about 22.

It's hard to say what's next, back to Brooklyn?

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