Saturday, March 13, 2010

Paris Commuting

I set two Ipod alarms one at 7:45 and one at 8:14, I wake up at 7:45 and leave the house at 8:15. If Sylvain wakes up with me we take the train together, or he sleeps in and gets up just before I leave. Then in the cold morning we walk to the 12 and with the rest of the commuters wait for the train and either fight for a seat if we get lucky or fight for a space if it's already full. I can't say I've done much train commuting but I've done enough to know that it's awful in Paris. At Concorde I change for the 1 and without fail one must shove themselves on the train leaving everyone except those with seats breathing down each other's necks and poking each other in with elbows and bulk- it's a nightmare, and to start your day like this- struggling to breath and stand (holding on is neither necessary or possible- as one simply surrenders one's dignity to live like a sardine and is thus supported by the masses). The worst part is that each stop the train stays twice as long at the platform because people who don't fit insist on trying to fit thus delaying the train as it's doors cannot shut- this extra wait time can make you up to 20 minutes late. At least once a day there is a shouting match due to the pushing, shoving and tripping that happens.

Going home is worse- if that is even possible. I've had to wait for four trains just to squeeze myself in a car. Normally I find pushing your way on a train when you hardly fit poor form, but then you realize if you don't you'll be here waiting 30 minutes.

I've whined about missing teaching before, but this week of working has made me miss teachers hours- in January I worked at Hyde and used public transportation and found that, unlike driving it was stress free and surprisingly timely- of course I was reverse commuting from Manhattan to the Bronx. But leaving by 7am you miss most of the morning commute and finishing at 4 gives you time to go to the gym or the park or run errands after work without feeling knackered.

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