Monday, February 22, 2010

The Metro in Paris

The Paris metro is great, rarely crowded, fast, reliable, and as far as I can tell no construction issues, delaying lines or necessitating schedule changes. But of course, there is always something... City planning in New York made life easier for it's residents and it's tourists, with everything on a grid and laid out by numbered streets and avenues, it's idiot proof. It makes traveling on the subway a piece of cake if you can remember that after 23rd is north of 14th, and 7th east of 8th. Still if you want to find out the fastest route from one place to another the website makes things really easy, put in your starting point, address, subway stop or location i.e. JFK, and your destination and it maps it out for you, gives you time walking and time in transportation and you can also check how much a taxi would cost you instead of public transport, it's all easy to read and totally straightforward. In Paris they have the RATP, which works 50% of the time which makes it presque inutile- almost useless. You can also put in the address the metro station or the location, but more often than not it tells you more info is needed- sometimes it's just asking for the arrondissement but after putting that in it can still fail to find your location asking for more info but not specifying what kind. Conveniently they website is available in English but sadly I'm not sure what more information I can add once I've entered a standard street address. Moreover the Paris Metro map is insane- it is impossible to read, and the "interactive map" online at RATP is unnecessarily complicated and just plain confusing. If you cut 14 different pieces of string in different colors mashed them up in your hand and then flattened them on a piece of paper you'd have the Paris metro. I'm still a huge fan of the Paris Metro, I'm just saying, get a guy who knows how to make ain idiot proof, facile website, and if you have 6 Rue de Saint Pierre's, it's time to start renaming some streets. I suggest Rue 1, Rue 2, Rue 3 for starters.

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