Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why drink the water when the wine is so cheap

In New York I drank water like I breathed in air. After the first week here, I noticed I'd stopped drinking water because I spent all my time drinking warming tea and sipping new varieties of juices unavailable in the states. After the second week the juice was gone and replaced by wine, and I figured out why I wasn't drinking any water- I didn't like the taste of it. We had a cottage growing up with a strong iron taste to it, it was unpalatable; and here I'm finding I'm turning into one of those people I hate- bottled water buyers. My latest roommate disaster had a mountain of empty water bottles in his bedroom, but why when:

New York City drinking water among cleanest in world, report says

May 2008 A new report says New York City has some of the cleanest and least expensive drinking water in the world, thanks to solid investments in watershed protection.

New York has the largest unfiltered water supply system in the world.

They're drinking it up in New York

New York City's tap water has been called among the nation's freshest. It's so good that a young entrepreneur is bottling it and selling it for $1.50.

It is, after all, one of the nation's healthiest water supplies -- so fresh that in 2007 the Environmental Protection Agency said it did not need filtration. New York pizza and bagel makers have long credited local water as a special baking ingredient. It goes down soft, without hints of tart-tasting minerals or chlorine like other public water systems.

The water comes from a system of 19 reservoirs and three lakes in upstate New York -- some flowing to the city from as far as 125 miles away. Most of the supply is protected and filtered by the natural processes of upstate ecosystems. It dissolves natural minerals while traveling over land or through the ground.

So I don't like the taste of the water in Valpo- I'm not the only one buying bottled water, Elspeth and Claudio had large jugs of bottled water that they filtered in a Brita- sheesh, my roommate Sarah seems to use bottled watered as we have a few empty jugs in the kitchen, but I am not about to carry one of those jugs up our hill, and I am equally opposed to paying for a collectivo to bring me home from Lider Express after shopping. In 1992 when drinking bottles of Evian was all the rage, I was the first at school to replace my Capri Sun with a bottle of Evian and this habit didn't stop till I got to Smith and the whole world was saving the environment from dangerous and unnecessary plastic consumption with their Nalgene bottles. Still drinking out of a Nalgene, in 2007 I heard a report of NPR that stopped me from buying bottled waters, sodas and juices even if I had left my Naglene at home. I will add the link on the right- please check it out- the bottled water afterlife...  

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