Happy Hour here ends at 10pm, so last night we had a bottle of wine with dinner but decided to get out of the house for once and went to a place near the beginning of our trek uphill called Kabala. I brought 3.000 and change just barely enough for us both to get one drink- about $8. We both had some sort of lime mixed drink that might have been made with sugar a few limes and the rest something like vodka. It was easy to feel like maybe one drink would be enough because near the end of said drink I was challenging Sylvain to a race uphill to our flat- an obnoxious idea because of both the trouble of running uphill for 10 minutes and also the opponent being the progeny of two of the best runners in France (his mother being the French champion and his father, who looks like Jacques Cousteau and still runs marathons at the ripe ol' age of 63).
So this morning was an easy Sunday morning- most people don't like Sundays, but I do. I drink coffee in the morning on the weekends and so when I was living in New York, the best thing to do - especially in fall is go to the Tamarind bodega, with my New York Times get a coffee and a chocolate croissant (or cheese danish, you never know what you're in the mood for) and head to the park where you can pick the perfect bench and spend a few hours catching up on what Nickolas Kristoff has to say about Darfur and what smart but misguided things David Brooks is reporting about the economy (Brook's is a ham so if you don't have time for reading, David is always the voice from the right on various talk shows or NPR- not that that makes him opinions any more palatable). Since the Times don't deliver to Valpo I've been getting my frosty opinions, NYC real estate, and frankly as of late- recipes online- I definitely miss the coffee (only instant here) and the fall air outside, but it's much easier to share articles with friends when your still snug in bed, sitting up with your laptop on your lap than with the paper edition, and of course, better for the environment.
After the Times it's on to Arianna Huffington's website for the Huffington Post- I didn't really know about her until, (once again) one night in New York when I was driving home from a class I was taking at FIT she was on NPR talking about a party she had hosted where John McCain had told her he didn't vote for Bush (this isn't progressive rhetoric- it's widely known McCain didn't vote for Bush in the 2000 election, not dissimilar to most Americans) and that there was no love lost between them. Obviously my interest was piqued- the radio program was about an article she had written for the Huffington Post and I went home and got acquainted.
But the guilty pleasure is always reading the new secrets posted on postsecret.blogspot.com we read them together and also read the version francaise, but I can tell I enjoy them far more. I have to thank David Darts my dept head while I was at NYU for sharing this site with us. He said while he was doing his Ph.D he had his students make and anonymously share a post secret one time during the semester and that each week he would show the results in the first few minutes of class- he had no problems with attendance.
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