Monday, July 27, 2009

Fish Bowl

At my school I'm the only art teacher, my best friend at work is the performing art teacher, but neither of us really know anything about each other's work. 

My goal is to support a community of Visual Art teachers to share their triumphs and struggles in the classrooms through their curriculum. At my school we do a fish bowl exercise amongst the "specials" teachers, but I imagine it isn't nearly as effective if we shared or lessons and student's work amongst other art teachers; getting feedback from professionals who have experience in an art classroom.

When I return from Valparaiso I am going to work with NYU to make this happen. Until then, please feel free to post curriculum ideas, successes, failures and constructive criticism here in this space. I will try and get some more of my lesson plans and hopefully some pictures of student work as well.

This photo is from the Tate Modern Facade. I went back to visit last summer for the Street Art exhibition; definitely an inspiring show for an urban art educator (my students LOVE street art, and why shouldn't they!) This was my favorite.

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