I started this blog as a curriculum sharing site and an online community for likeminded educators (think NYCORE- New York Collaboration of Radical Educators!) to share with and inspire each other. Then I met my husband and moved to Chile and Paris and now that we're finally back in New York and life is almost back to normal, I feel like it's time to go back to using this forum for its original intent.
There are so many amazing blogs out there. I have been incredibly inspired by how rich the blogosphere is- and how many people who have actual jobs and also put hours into sharing content online. So I will switch gears and this summer as I prepare to get back to what I love to do- teaching art; I will try to refocus the lens a bit and document getting back to teaching.
I think teaching is really fascinating especially in New York there are so many interesting lenses through which to look at education in urban communities that are both privileged and low-income. The politics of education are my passion, policy reform, stakeholders and Arne Duncan, Michael Bloomberg and Joel Klein make for some very interesting conversation threads.